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Have you ever considered how your skillset and experiences could translate into heritage or museum work?

Everyone who works in the GLAM (Galleries, Libraries, Archives & Museums) sector has a unique career pathway. However, with the ongoing incredible financial pressures on this industry, and seeing fellow organizations we know and love in Victoria recently closing, we recognize that it can be difficult to see yourself beginning a heritage or museum career.

There is no blueprint for a career, but in this #MeetMMBC series of blog posts, staff at the Maritime Museum of BC want to share how they got into their field of museum work, and what industries, skills, and contacts helped them along the way.

What is your name and what do you do? 

My name is James Coates (he/him) and I’m the Volunteer and Visitor Centre Coordinator.

What was your first museum role?

Here at the Maritime Museum of BC, working as a volunteer on our digitization project!

Did you find any degree or diploma programs useful for museum work?

My BA in History from the University of Victoria was useful in developing my research abilities, general knowledge of history, and writing skills. A great foundation and background to any type of museum work. UVic has a fantastic History program which I would recommend to anyone interested. The skills specific to my roll as Volunteer Coordinator come more from work experience and time spent working with volunteers across other non-profits and charities.

Have you worked outside the GLAM sector, and has that contributed to your museum work? 

Yes! I worked for 4 years at a local charity teaching and coordinating bike safety workshops for kids and adults. I found that experience incredibly useful for my museum work. I gained a lot of experience working with volunteers of all ages, community groups, and staff.

Have you completed co-op or intern terms of work? Were they paid or unpaid?

I completed an 8-month co-op term through the University of Victoria, which was paid, at a local (non-museum) non-profit.

In the GLAM sector, what has been your breakdown of full-time vs. part-time or casual work, and permanent vs. temporary contract work?

This is my first position in the GLAM sector (after a brief time volunteering for the Maritime Museum) so I feel very lucky to be working at the MMBC!

Have you been mentored?

Never been formally, but I have had many fantastic supervisors and colleagues throughout my career so far!

Why do you do museum and heritage work?

History is my lifelong passion, and there’s nothing I’d rather do than work with likeminded people to share that with others. Museums play such a vital role in shaping a communities culture and preserving loclal knowledge for all to see, and it’s a privilege to contribute to that local culture and knowledge even in a small way.

Do you have any advice for your future colleagues in the GLAM sector?

For me, I gained professional experience outside the GLAM sector (with volunteer coordination) and am now able to apply that at the Maritime Museum of BC. I’m not sure if that’s the pathway for most other roles in the GLAM sector, but it certainly worked for me! Otherwise, I’d encourage folks to get connected with potential GLAM employers through volunteering to gain practical skills and make connections.